BuiltWorks Modelling Features
BuiltWorks maintains an intelligent and true solid model-based SOLIDWORKS architecture. This enables the user to create simulated 3D real-world structures containing all the information required for the design, manufacturing and construction of steelwork structures and assemblies.
BuiltWorks uses embedded SOLIDWORKS and add-in modelling tools that facilitate the creation of a 3D parametric model of a structure under design by using SOLIDWORKS Weldment or/and BuiltWorks structural members both in Assembly and/or Part mode.
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Based on the user’s choice, structural members are placed as single ones, by groups or arrays in the context of a parametric wire frame sketch, building grid axes system arranged by plans and elevations or using existing nodes and elements.
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BuiltWorks has embedded International Standard Databases of Steel Sections and Materials, moreover, user can choose custom Weldment and Toolbox libraries as well as create elements of arbitrary shapes and parametric sections. All structural elements are linked in an associative database, so that a cross-section parameter and material constants constitute an integral attribute of the model.
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BuiltWorks has advanced possibilities for structural members sitting, positioning and editing through rotation, mirroring, in plane offsetting, shortening or elongation operations. Multifarious handy tools help the user in applying precise fitting, trimming and aligning passing through and connecting members at intersections.
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Model history is consistently written to a SOLIDWORKS Feature tree which stores all information about the model, structural elements and details, their relations and attributes.The information is easily accessible and may be updated or modified simply from the Feature tree.
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Full control of the model is available by internally established relationships and rules between the modelled objects. Virtually all of the model’s elements are intelligently linked to one another by logical links, so that any change is automatically propagated to the other elements in the model. This allows models to be modified quickly and effectively in any design phase.